Geeta Vara
Founder of Geeta Vara Ayurveda
Qualified London based member of The Ayurvedic Practitioners Association UK
My Vision
Health and healing starts with you. My vision is to share with you the wealth of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom in an uncomplicated and applicable way without compromising it’s authenticity.
My mission is to inspire you to discover your uniqueness and help you to become the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead happy, balanced and vibrant lives. I want to (and do) encourage people to move away from the ‘pill for every ill’ and ‘fix it’ mentality to a more holistic and empowering approach to health. For me, good health is not the absence of an illness but that of optimal wellness. I choose to focus on integral health care that raises our standard of living as nature intended. My Mantra - Be Holistic & Optimistic
My Journey
I am often asked how I got involved in Ayurveda and I guess I was involved even before I even realised. As a born and raised British Indian with an African twist (parents both African born), many of my lifestyle routines and dietary habits were naturally ‘ayurvedic’ taught by my grandparents in my youthful years. I quickly became curious about our day-to-day rituals and food habits.
After my first undergraduate and post graduate degree’s in business, I entered the corporate world and following a career in marketing for several years. However, I had a strong pull towards a more fulfilling life purpose in natural healthcare that was already fast becoming part of my personal development and spiritual growth. After pursuing my interest in holistic massage and Western diet and nutrition in 1998, my appetite was still not satiated. Inspired by my Indian roots, I went on to qualify with a BSc and PG Dip in Ayurvedic Medicine from Middlesex University, spending much time experiencing and practicing Ayurveda to its full glory in India. Over the last 13 years, I continue to enjoy delivering a truly holistic approach to healthcare for my clients.
My Inspiration & Passion
I started to get curious as to why people still ‘felt’ unwell even though their diets were deemed to be healthy and impact of our emotions and mind on our physical health. Out of this curiosity, and the desire to follow more fulfilling life purpose, I was intuitively guided to the science of Ayurveda.
Ayurveda is not only my area of expertise, but a true passion that I wish to share with all of you, so you can lead healthier and happier lives. Even the simplest lifestyle changes can reap some amazing health benefits when you are aligned with your constitution (prakruti), your true natural state.
My work is immensely satisfying as I see my clients transform from illness to wellness. Your Ayurvedic journey is not about being perfect, it is about reconnecting to your true self and understanding your natural biorhythms.
My Philosophy & Practice
Helping clients evolve on a health journey with this timeless wisdom at their own pace regardless of their starting point in diet and lifestyle, shows us, just how relevant Ayurveda is today, much like yoga.
We will delve into the detail of what you eat, how you digest, how you move, your thoughts, emotions and relationships, seasonal influences etc. to gain an insight to the whole you. Using herbs, diet, nutrition, lifestyle coaching, exercise, yoga, massage, therapeutic treatments, aromas, mantras, and meditation, I aim to restore your natural state of balance by helping you with personalised health care plan.
Whether you wish to address a particular ongoing health concern, simply learn about your constitution so you can eat right for your body type or just indulge yourself with a gorgeous hot oil abhyanga massage, there is an ‘ayurveda’ for everyone to explore.
I believe in living an expansive, peaceful and fulfilling life. A life where we connect with people and to nature. A life where we measure happiness by our state of being rather than a collection of achievements.
Me behind the scenes
I adore getting acquainted with people from all cultures through my passion for world travel.
I am a self-confessed chocoholic - obviously the good dark varieties!
Laughter really is the best medicine and I am blessed with friends and family that just make life a joy.
I am a global foodie, well the pescatarian sort. Follow me on Instagram.
I am equally happy to stay at home and eat kitchari for dinner most nights.
I can be a bit of an adventure opportunist - though my days of jumping out of planes are safely a thing of the past.
I am the eldest of 3 siblings - 2 gorgeous, supportive sisters.
Declutter your life is my mantra! And I have been known to be an obsessive clean freak - Well I have to keep my energy clear!
I believe in continued learning and growth - i’ve just recently completed a diploma in Vedic Astrology to help me understand clients even more.